Radio Frequency Identification or RFID is the newest technology to enable efficent collection of data and should be use by business to further increase efficency through technology. The technology has been use to manage asset, to track containers, tempreature, logistic chain and etc. The information gather is use to protect asset, avoid theft, collate statistics, industrial monitoring and control transportation schedule.
Many hardware vendor is able to provide your solution with the require RFID hardware but the solution to your business is unique, every business needs can be different. The software to your business must be build for your business, and here is where our experience to interface to the RFID hardware and concurrently deliver a complete business solution to your business.
Businesses using RFID will require applications that can manage data flows. We are offering assessment, design, implementation, and end-to-end development for RFID solutions. Our offering include integrating RFID features to your corporate databases, customize the solution, analyze the collected information and many more.
Your business can leverage on your existing IT resources either in Borland or Microsoft product to develop the require solution. The customization and development of the solution can be rapidly build up by integrating to our existing libraries and modules. These include encoding and decoding of either active tag, passive tag (RFID sticker), retrieval of tag information, recyling of active tag, user profile maintainence, interfacing to mobile device and etc. For more information, please contact us.