Kenan is one of the leader in the telecommunication billing industry. Its capability to scale, to support convergence billing
and its flexible rating comes comes along with complexity and intrinsic characteristic. The ability to configure, tune, upgrade
and maintain such such billing system is both challenging and daunting. The telecommuncation business should and must be able to respond
to market challenges without being impede by its billing system.
Kenan is an out of the box billing system contain various configurable options in each of the billing module. Being a business application
and a product that has evolve over the decade, many business decision build into Kenan is not documented or made known to the users or to Kenan
distributor themselves. Many of such queries can only be known through testing those scenarios, building prototype and ascertain them from
the results. Since such activities requires considerable amount of resources and time to carry out, your business can chose to outsource
them, and with our expertise in hand will be able to deliver and provide the answers to them rapidly and professionally.
We're able to train, impart and transfer Kenan know how to your billing team on launching of new products, usage configurations, mediation
of existing or new network elements and etc. On the operational side, we can provide the best pratices for Kenan on patch application,
archiving, backup/restore of the various Kenan databases (Catalogue, Administrator and Customers), online system performance, security and
billing policies.